

it feels like we are all characters in a science fiction novel right now. new rules, more restrictions, the word ‘pandemic’ out front & center, a lack of toilet paper availability, quiet chatter & beautiful music being shared from Italian balconies. in all honesty, i prefer historical fiction, but i will take what i’m being offered. i’m sure our children will be writing historical novels years from now, depicting what we are living through today.

i wonder if the universe is reaching out to us, again. she is reminding us that maybe it’s time to stop talking about change, but inviting us to share in the exploration of the actual change itself.

what if we do slow down more?

what if we allow our kids to explore what it means to just BE (most likely bored) instead of scheduled constantly?

what if we adults learned to BE just as much as we DO?

(for a deeper dive on this topic see my short post called BALANCE).

what if?

coming together is the beginning. keeping together is progress. working together is success.”

~henry ford

i do know that i’m speaking strictly from my experience of this entire situation. i can only imagine the chaos & rushing & hypervigilance of those in the health care field. & for your tireless effort, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, we are here to support you, however you most need. reach out & ask. i will help the best way i can.

our surviving, as well as our thriving, rests on the shoulders of one another. we are deeply connected to each other, all of us, across this entire planet. this is something that i once felt & then one day, i simply just knew it to be true. it’s a deep knowing that drives every one of my intentions & actions.

do the best you can until you know better. then when you know betterdo better.”

~maya angelou

i’m not sure what will happen, but i do know everything that is being put into place is for the safety of our human existence. i want to help on that end. i want to provide some understanding & clarity for our younger kids. so, for the students i teach weekly, i’ve included, in this post, a video lesson for their learning & mindfulness practice. i’ve also included a short lesson & practice in audio format for the tweens & teens. finally a mindfulness practice, in audio format, for the teachers & parents & healthcare providers managing so many things right now.

i encourage you to listen & practice & let me know your thoughts ~ your feedback only helps me get better with what i’m learning to do!

parents, please share with your kids – your child does not need to be student of mine to appreciate the lessons – he/she will benefit from them! & please listen and try your own practice – i know, for a fact, it makes a difference not only for you, but everyone you connect with.

& thank you for your patience, as i navigate what the heck it is i’m doing with all this technology….fingers crossed it all actually is functional & in working order, unlike the TP aisles lately…..

& i promise i’m not nearly as irritated as i look in these frozen images….sweet lord this stuff is HARD WORK….really?!?!?

also forgetting to blend some makeup makes me appear like a football player with the white chalk under the eyes in one video .
again, no booze involved in the productions.

i can do hard things.

even shotty technology.

sort of.

*i’ve also included one of our favorite ridiculously stupid, yet hysterically funny videos for your viewing enjoyment. *

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