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it feels like we are all characters in a science fiction novel right now. new rules, more restrictions, the word ‘pandemic’ out front & center, a lack of toilet paper availability, quiet chatter & beautiful music being shared from Italian balconies. in all honesty, i prefer historical fiction, but i will take what i’m being […]

Mar 15, 2020

giving love is very natural to me – i’m a giver by nature. receiving love has traditionally been hard. my masculine energy- doing side has always been much stronger than my feminine energy – receiving side. i’m learning though & every time i learn my inner knowing grows louder & clearer. here’s where my most […]

When I think of my mindful “practice”, i think of it in 2 different ways. There is my FORMAL practice, where i set aside some time everyday to sit or lay down and turn my attention inward. And, there is my “INFORMAL” practice where, at different times throughout the day, I turn my attention inward […]

we are a lot like nature when we get quiet enough. trees are firmly rooted in the ground holding them steady while always reaching towards the openness of the sky. the weather & the seasons are constantly changing around them, yet they remain rooted in strength & clarity. they understand their inherent worth so they […]