
Kim was an art teacher. This was the door to her classroom.

Kim was an art teacher. This was the door to her classroom.

Original FB post from May 30, 2017. 

The Day of the Celebration of the Paschal Mystery

for my friend, Kim.

December 25, 1975 -May 23, 2017

A Tale Of Two Women

A month ago my friend, Mary, texted me “My 13-year-old has a brain tumor.” This is a friend who I’ve laughed until I’ve cried and cried until I’ve laughed since we were, ourselves, only 13. Together, we witnessed the death of a coach, endured injuries, wins and losses. Both on the pitch, and in life. She is my Warrior Sister, and Constant Teammate. I had the honor of witnessing her crumble that day, into the ball of vulnerability every mother feels when their baby is in danger. The mental and spiritual strength I see in her constantly inspires me. To me, Mary is the definition of WONDER WOMAN.

Two weeks ago, another friend’s husband called to say his wife, my friend, Kim, was dying. After battling cancer for 7 years, her body was tired. I had the honor of listening to her vulnerabilities in the last few weeks. This woman’s mental strength, and strength of spirit rivals that of any holy person. We laughed a lot, shared the trials and tribulations of being sick while being a mom, wife, daughter, and friend. She never faltered in who she was. She, herself, was a work of art. To me, Kim is the definition of GRACE.

Today I celebrate 2 remarkable women, both of whom had the kindness to ask me, each time I spoke with them, about one another. A kindness that did not go unnoticed. 

Today I celebrate the miracle of my friend of GRACE, who no longer lives on this earth. I miss your presence dearly.

Today I celebrate my WONDER WOMAN friend, whose daughter is a miracle because, well, she is WONDER WOMAN’S DAUGHTER.

Do not underestimate the power of showing up when life is difficult. Miracles and heartaches work hand in hand. It’s humbling to be a witness to both.

Kim’s classroom inspiration.

Kim’s classroom inspiration.

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  1. Heather Sattler says:

    Thank you for honoring these women.

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  1. Heather Sattler says:

    Thank you for honoring these women.