“Write yourself a permission slip to slow down this summer…”
mindful molly
Summer is one of my favorite times of the year, and I’m letting myself slow down and enjoy it now more than ever. I just returned from one of my favorite vacations – time spent with my #sistercousinfriends…sometimes it’s just us gals, and other times it’s with our children. Either way, this time together leaves my heart full of love and appreciation. During our trip I was able to refelct on how I want to slow down, especially in summer.
This year, I am learning to give myself the freedom to:
- Slow Down
- Choose Fun
- Relax
- Frolic
- Just Be
As a teacher, mother, and woman, the school year brings a lot of necessary schedules and stress into our lives. I welcome it and am good at arranging everything that needs to be managed. And by the end of May, my system has hit max capacity, and I actively choose to let go for my sanity. My home and family can feel the energy shift in me and all appreciate it.
How Do I Celebrate A Slow Summer?
I give myself PERMISSION to:
- move my body every day (here is my favorite subscription for my middle aged body)
- nourish my body with farmers’ market delectables
- say yes to last-minute invites with girlfriends
- spend extremely valuable time with #sistercousinfriends
- attend concerts
- skip my sons’ sporting events
- take naps
- travel
- binge watch shows that I am interested in
- write for fun… here’s an older story of mine that came from a busy summer night
- read to learn and for fun
- spend a lot of time in nature
- move slowly
- be as unscheduled as possible
- meditate for longer times
What about you? How do you Slow Down your Summer?
What do you give yourself permission to ENJOY during the summer?
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