I love Brene Brown and all that she teaches us. She uses the written inspiration from Teddy Roosevelt in the picture below to teach the public what it means to lead with compassion and empathy. I love this writing. I took it and put a current and timeless feminine twist on it. I hope it flows for you as effortlessly as it flowed from me.
Thank you.
Women in the World
It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the esteemed woman falters, and the thief of JOY- comparison, saunters in.
The credit belongs to the woman who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by tears of rage and joy. Who carries on holding her complexity and comes up short again and again, not by her own doing but by that of those who are too terrified to watch her rise.
This woman, who knows the depths of pure delight because she has felt the deepest wells of her and others’ pain, has no choice but to carry on. She does so by leaning on the chosen women she’s walking beside. At her best, she feels, in the end, the triumph of community.
And who, at her worst, dares greatly by exposing her wild and precious heart to the world so her soul can be nourished while she is being given the freedom to be held by the earth and the sky in her becoming.

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