
Feel Free to listen to my story and then join me in an 8-minute guided self-compassion practice recorded just for you…

A Boy’s Heart 💚

My Boy’s Heart 💞

The tender space is buried and enclosed in barbed wire, and he feels the self-imposed sting when he unexpectedly allows it to open. 

Stifling his boyhood joy for flashy peacock feathers, puffing with grandeur when he is approved of by anyone else except him, and hiding in shame when his appearance or performance does not meet external expectations. 

Desperate for outer acceptance, he no longer basks in the warmth of his own sun, which always smiles upon him. Its steady presence no longer makes him feel safe or enough. 

In our current world, bravery for a boy’s heart calls forth from their bodies a masculine energy- all action, and force…

puff up!

act out!

become big! 

When what they most need is the soft touch of nurturing, feminine energy…

get quiet

hold steady 

receive an unwavering embrace of love

It is learning how to embody and evoke both energies so that his heart can grow up and out and within himself so it may be HIS HEART that leads him forward in life. And also back home within himself. 

To feel the sting of the barbed wire and the warmth of his own sun’s rays and to know he is just right exactly as he is and always enough. 

He’s been watching and learning from me, his mom. I am his example. I must show him the power of holding both.  This is my life’s work as much as his. 

Self-Compassion and Heartfulness for Myself

Dr Kristin Neff compares Self-Esteem and Self Compassion: 

“Self-esteem refers to the degree to which we evaluate ourselves positively. It represents how much we like or value ourselves, and is often based on comparisons with others. In contrast to self-esteem, self-compassion is not based on self-evaluations. People feel compassion for themselves because all human beings deserve compassion and understanding, not because they possess some particular set of traits (pretty, smart, talented, and so on). This means that with self-compassion, you don’t have to feel better than others to feel good about yourself.”

Notice how this settles within you…

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