
What would it look like if we made time to befriend ourselves this year instead of “improving upon” or “changing”? 

What if we spent time each day discovering more about the little things that make us human? 


  • What does safety feel like in my body? Where and with whom do I feel safe?
  • How does joy echo through my body? Do I allow it, or do I sabotage it when it arrives? 
  • What makes me feel powerful, and what makes me curl further inside myself?
  • What do anger and jealousy feel like in my body? What around me triggers these emotions to rise to the surface within me?
  • What does my heart feel like when it’s open and willing?
  • What and whom makes me feel less than? What and whom makes me feel enough and whole? 
  • Do my behaviors and actions listen and follow my heart or the heart of others? 
  • Do I often justify my behaviors to myself and others?
  • Do I like myself? What does it feel like to be alone with my mind and heart?
  • Does my mind lead me? Or my heart? 
  • Am I light with curiosity or heavy with harmful judgment?

Each day and each moment, I have the CHOICE to Begin Again. Each in-breath is a moment of beginning, and each out-breath is a moment of surrendering and letting go. I do not need the month of January to prove myself worthy of this world. Instead, I will gently rest within the strength of my back body, holding all of me upright. I will find, feel, and follow the breath moving in my body. I will invite softness into my heart space to make room for the world inside me to emerge. And I will welcome her. All of her. 

When the parts of myself arrive that make me feel uncomfortable, unsteady, and unworthy, I will anchor myself in my center—in my breath. I will begin and let go over and over, riding the waves of myself until I am still once again. Calm always follows the storm; this is nature’s way. And I welcome it. All of it.

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