kind words

kind words

What kids are saying about my classes:

“It makes me feel peaceful and calm.” ~ 5th grade boy

“It’s helped me with calming down when I’m angry.” ~ 5th grade girl

“It has helped me when I’m stressed because I can just take deep breaths.” ~ 4th grade boy

“When I’m angry I now know how to control it.” ~ 3rd grade girl

“It helps me because it keeps me focused on one thing.” ~ 2nd grade girl

“It helps me seek my peace place.” ~ 2nd grade boy

What teachers are saying:

“ I have enjoyed hearing my students voice their thoughts and emotions in productive ways.” ~ 3rd grade teacher

“ I can use some of the techniques to settle students at other times of the day.” ~ 5th grade teacher

“ I really like the positive phrases/self-talk that students can goto when they are frustrated or make a mistake.” ~ 3rd grade teacher

“In today’s world of social media and busy, busy, busy family schedules, it’s so important to teach children ways to take care of themselves- their inner thoughts and emotions need a safe place. you, molly, are providing that place.” ~ 5th grade teacher

What parents are saying:

“My daughter recently had a dance competition. After some practicing between her various dances, she decided she was going to try the more advanced steps that she had learned in class for her next dance. She was hesitant but decided to give it a go. She did the steps well for the judge and she was so excited when she came off of the stage. I asked her if she was nervous, and she said, “I was at first while I was lined up, but then I remembered something that Mrs. Holsen taught us. She said if we start to feel stressed or nervous we should focus on our breathing. So that’s what I did and all through my dance. I did it!” So I just want to thank you for the care you show in the lessons you teach the kids at St. Jude. It is working 🙂 My daughter is now feeling more confidence in pushing herself and trying new things due to your guidance. Thank you.” ~Mom of a 5th grader

“Molly did a fantastic job introducing meditation to our 6th grade Girl Scout Troop. Her flexibility to take our meeting to Zoom was really appreciated and she connected so well with all the girls virtually. All of us left the session feeling calm and refreshed and equipped with simple yet effective tools to help stay grounded and clear minded during the challenges of Safer-At-Home. So grateful for Molly and her practice. What a gift to our troop and community!
~ Mom & Girl Scout Troop Leader

What coaches are saying:

“Pregame jitters are normal for kids, but helping them recognize these emotions and giving them the tools to deal with them in the moment are game changers. Molly not only helped our kids on the court, but also gave them a critical life skill they can use everyday.”

~ Middle School Basketball Coach

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mindfulness means to you….

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