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Most of my experience with church is from a suburban, predominately white, Catholic setting. I know exactly when to sit, stand, then sit again, followed by more standing, the occasional kneeling, and finally more sitting and standing. Remaining quiet, calm, and in control of your body is revered in the church of my youth. Singing […]

Jan 5, 2021

21 years ago today, my eyes closed to this world for 1 hour and 25 minutes. When they opened, I had a new way of seeing. Our eyes are a window to our souls, revealing what is happening on the inside. When you start paying attention, you can see the heart of everyone you encounter.  […]

photo by Jäger on Unsplash early, one cold winter morning, i timidly stepped into the hospital room. i slipped out of my clothes & slowly put on the too-familiar, airy hospital attire. as i lay down on the gurney, tears flooded my eyes. i let them go, warming my cheeks & dampening my gown. my mind could not […]

energy surrounds us. it flows through us, around us, among us & between us. even in death.  i was 18 years old & flew home one evening from a summer trip. i threw my luggage in the front hall & darted off for the hospital. i made my way up to the wing where my […]