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A child from another woman calls me mom. The depth of the tragedy and the magnitude of the privilege are not lost on me. Jody Landers I stepped off the plane, my overnight bag & breast pump contraption slung over my shoulder. The warm tropical air wrapped around me and clung to my body like […]

Jul 26, 2020

Beverly had long legs, and a strong presence. Her hazel eyes revealed her intelligence as well as her deep rooted fear, disguised as anger. I saw through it all to the love she was craving. She was quiet and sharp tongued. She scared her classmates as her responses were always inconsistent. Her mother would seldomly […]

Jeff is our middle boy – he arrived via c-section, and entered our home first. One month later came his big brother, Tomas, via a plane from Guatemala. The moment Tomas entered our home (and Jeff could actually see), he watched his 10 month old big brother move with a deftness like no other. At […]

I was looking at my oldest son one morning. He was wearing a scowl, slumped shoulders, and hoodie pulled up covering his head. I cracked a joke, and watched him smirk in all his adolescent angst. Later that afternoon, I was at our local mall when I spied a handful of teenage boys. Their skin […]