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Heal: to become sound or whole I began to change my relationship to my body recently. As a result, I have begun to feel less segregated within myself. I am beginning to feel whole again. As infants the only thing we could relate to was our bodies – the cries for hunger, thirst, and comfort. […]

May 1, 2023

We all have a voice. There are countless adjectives to describe the array of colors that emerge from each person’s mouth. The formation of sounds becoming vibrations within the vocal chords can be described as booming, quiet, fierce, soft, boisterous, whiny, gentle, strong, sly, bold, crafty, valiant, silly, calculating, spirited, reckless, tender, shifty, feisty, tired, […]

About a year ago I was asked to give a presentation to a large group of medical residents about what mindfulness is, and the benefits of practicing it. The retreat they were attending was about death and dying. The doctor who asked me to open the retreat was forthright in sharing that the previous years […]

i admit, i struggle with conflict – i’m an avoider of them. i’m the proverbial middle-child peacemaker. being married to an attorney, i find myself at a loss for words often. he’s trained to argue a point to exhaustion. in a methodical, mathematical & scientific way. i usually stand there, trying to make sense of […]